Compliance Refinery Compliance Officer Training Programme starting end of June

Compliance Refinery has designed a Compliance Officer Training Programme, starting at the end of June. The programme aims to equip senior support staff or compliance personnel with the tools, skills and implementation capabilities necessary to support Directors in your business.

The programme runs over a year and consists of:

• 10x monthly 1-hour group training sessions with a case study. These focus on the technical aspects, responsibilities and knowledge of a compliance officer.

  • Setting the scene: being an effective compliance officer

  • FAP standard conditions

  • FAP licensing guide

  • The code of professional conduct

  • The purpose of conduct

  • Three lines of defence and common compliance structures

  • Compliance assurance and testing, and reporting to the board

  • Six step advice process and file reviews

  • Marketing and advertising; vulnerable customers

  • How to maintain a licence

• 11x individual 1-hour coaching sessions. These are real-world coaching sessions on issues specific to your business, whether regulatory events, pain points or internal issues that help you conceptualise solutions.

• Compliance Refinery help desk. Staffed by experts, you can call or email to get personal responses.

• Additional training sessions on relevant topics

For more information visit

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