nib updates health insurance cover and benefits

nib New Zealand has updated the cover and benefits of its health insurance products.

The product refresh includes higher benefit limits and broader coverage for some products and a minor reduction in some benefit terms and updated exclusions. For example, members with ‘Hospital Cover’ will have an increase in Surgical Benefit from $150,000 to $600,000 per year; they will also have a reduction in cover on their Ambulance Transfer Benefit – with the ambulance transfer must be to the closest private hospital.

Rob Hennin, nib CEO, said

“The product refresh will also provide some operational efficiencies and a better overall experience for our members. Policies are simpler and easier to understand, and we have an updated member portal to create a better online experience”.

Members will face no impact on premiums in the current year due to these changes.The changes will be gradually implemented over the 12 months starting February 1.

More details on the changes can be found here.


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