Website upgrades: what you need to know

Our IT Development team have been working hard to improve the services that we offer our advisers as well as improving user experience.

If you’ve noticed we’re running a bit slower than usual, please refresh your page and scroll down to ensure that you’re on our latest version – QUOTE ENGINE V.3.0 B1 | QPR V.16.0| WEB V.4.6.1

Here are the changes that we’ve made:

Researchmonster updates:

The Compare Premium chart now shows the total premium and adjusts when you click the colour key to remove a benefit. If you do decide to remove a benefit entirely, don’t forget to head back to the benefit details, unselect and re-crunch to reflect this in your PDF research report.

The Blog feature will now take you to, Chatswood serves the life and health insurance sector in New Zealand with market intelligence, data, and bespoke consulting services in conjunction with Quality Product Research Limited – a subsidiary that brings you Quotemonster.

Serious Trauma research is live on our normal quote flow and Standalone Head to Head, this  includes Asteron Life’s Major Trauma, Partner’s Life Serious Trauma and AIA’s Progressive Care.

To quote this, simply select Accelerated or Standalone Trauma and click the Severe Trauma tickbox, you will need to split the amount between standard and severe to generate a quote for all three insurers.

If you’re interested in severe (and not standard) a handy tip is to enter in $1 to standard then the full amount for severe, however Asteron Life will drop off as they require a minimum sum insured of $5,000 for their standard trauma cover.

By splitting the cover amount, you can generate a quote that contains both AIAs’ Critical Conditions Cover and Progressive Care.

To get a comparison for AIA, ensure that your default trauma product is Critical Conditions, then when severe is selected, the comparison generated is split between Critical Conditions and Progressive Care.

This method does need more work in future and any feedback that you have can help us during the next stage of development, so please reach out to us with your thoughts.  

Advicemonster updates:

A highly requested feature is now available for Advicemonster users, in our Business Insurance feature, users now have the ability to search for a company and pull through information from the New Zealand Business Register, this will be displayed in the Business Details section (further edits can be made) then shown in your Statement of Advice (SoA).

The following options are now available for quoting and research in Business Insurance:

-        Business Events Increase Option

-        Partial Disablement 

Training sessions:

We are hosting online training sessions on Researchmonster and Advicemonster on a regular basis and invite you and your team to join us if you’re interested in learning more about these new features.

Our next sessions will be: 

Introduction to Quotemonster – Monday, 16 September 2024 11:00 am-12:00 pm

In this session, we will demonstrate the basic functions of our website, along with some handy tips and tricks along the way.

Demystifying Advicemonster - Monday, 16 September 2024 2:00 pm-3:00 pm

In this session Aneel Ravji, our AdviceTech Lead, will demonstrate how to use our needs analysis and statement of advice (SOA) tools.

Business Risk Research and SOAs with Quotemonster – Tuesday, 17 September 2024 10:00 am-10:45 am

In this session, Aneel will demonstrate how to use our business risk pricing, research, and SOA functionality.

Checkmonster Demonstration - Tuesday, 17 September 2024 10:45 am-11:00 am

In this short session, Aneel will demonstrate how to use our newly released Checkmonster feature.

Research Deep Dive - Thursday, 19 September 2024 11:30 am-12:30 pm

Join our research team for a research deep dive meeting, subjects for the coming session are:

  • the challenges of comparison,

  • results of our research advisory board meeting consultation on non-Pharmac medicines coverage ratings,

  • new head-to-head report designs, and

  • the forthcoming IP research review.

If you would like to join either of these sessions, please email your request to

Happy Crunching!


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