The addition of nib Life & Living to Quotemonster!

We have recently updated Quotemonster to include nibs Life & Living products.

In the Product and Provider Settings, you’ll find the usual options for nib under Health, and now you’ll be able to include Life & Living Life, Trauma and Income Protection in your pricing and research comparisons. This also means that you’ll be able to quote a package for this provider.

Note that we have included both the Serious condition Financial Support option (only available for sum insureds of $20,000 or $50,000) and Serious Illness Cover to select from in Trauma. 

Click here to read more on this topic in Insurance Business, which also includes an interview with Chris Carnall, nibs Adviser Distribution Head, and you can click here to register for nibs national roadshow. 

If you have any questions or feedback on this topic, please feel free to contact us on


Questions answered: does everyone already have a life insurance policy?


Quality Product Research: Research Ratings Terminology