Research and website upgrades: what you need to know

QPR Database V15.6 has been released! 

Our Research team have made some monstrously good updates to the QPR database recently. If you’ve noticed we’re running a bit slower than usual, please refresh your page and scroll down to ensure that you’re on our latest version – QUOTE ENGINE V.3.0 B1 | QPR V.15.6 | WEB V4.5.5

Our latest updates to Researchmonster include:

- Partners Life - new policy document for personal and business V19 effective 06/10/2023

- AIA - new policy document for AIA Living Personal/Business Life and Trauma effective 10/10/2023

o   rating changes applied to:

·         Life: ‘Grief & Funeral Support’

·         Trauma: ‘Child Trama’ age, ‘HIV’, and ‘Advanced AIDS’

- ASB - new policy documents and rating changes applied to:

o   IP/MP Lifestyle Security effective 31/07/2023

o   Life and Trauma effective 10/10/2023

- Fidelity Life - enhancements effective 23/11/2023 and rating changes applied to:

o   Life, Life Income, TPD, Trauma: ‘Special events’

o   Life: ‘Grief & Funeral Support’ (reflects the introduction of the new Repatriation Benefit)

- MAS - new policy documents and rating changes applied to: 

o   Professional Life Plan effective 01/06/2023

·         Life: ‘Grief & Funeral Support’

·         TPD: ‘Counselling & Support Benefits’

·         Trauma: ‘Child Trauma’, ‘Grief & Support Benefits’, ‘Upgrade Policy Wording’

o   Income Security effective 28/08/2023

·         Income Protection: ‘Dependent Leave Without Pay’, ‘Death Benefit’

- Unimed - new policy document effective 01/08/2023 and rating changes applied to:

·         Minor Surgery

·         Physiotherapy

- Reviews:

o   Life: ‘Exclusions’

o   Mortgage Protection: ‘Offsets’

o   Trauma: ‘Cardiac Arrest’, ‘Future Insurability’, ‘Angioplasty’, ‘Diagnosis and Partial Benefits’

o   Medical: ‘Overseas Treatment’, ‘Surgical Benefit’, ‘Mental Health Support, ‘GP Minor Surgery’, ‘Imaging’ 

Standalone Head to Head is a powerful tool subscribers can use to:

-          Compare legacy products for replacement business – a list of the products available in this feature can be found here

-          Compare products from the same provider; e.g., AIA Critical Conditions vs Progressive Care

-          Compare different product sets; e.g., Severe Trauma vs Comprehensive Trauma

-          Quick head to head research comparisons

Please note this feature is still in Beta version so please reach out to us if you have any feedback that you would like us to consider in our next round of development.

Our Health Benefit Maximums report available to Researchmonster and Advicemonster users, has also been updated to align with the updates in our research database. This quick reference guide aims to help advisers quickly identify some of the important differences when it comes to health cover benefit maximums. It doesn't include every individual niche benefit that some insurers offer, and some benefits can only be claimed on under specific circumstances (e.g., within 12 months of surgery).

If you have any questions regarding these please feel free to email us on 

Happy Crunching!


Asteron Life sees uptick in lapse rates


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