FSC’s latest Money & You research finds a perception gap between financial confidence and financial literacy

The Financial Services Council (FSC) have released their latest Money & You research findings.

The research found a ‘perception gap’, with 82% of people feeling financially confident yet only 62% of people showing a real understanding of the four financial concepts tested.

Worryingly, the research found that 56% of New Zealanders aged 18 or older aren’t financially prepared for retirement, with that figure shooting up to 69% of women not feeling prepared for retirement. We are really keen to see this broken down by age group in future as we would expect most young people to feel the least prepared, and some of the group just pre-retirement to feature more of the better prepared. The fact that the figure rises sharply for women is probably a good reflection of the larger retirement gap that women face due to longer lives combined with, often, a gender pay gap, and also often, career disruption due to having children, which tends to make preparing for that retirement more difficult.

Of those in KiwiSaver, 42% are only contributing the minimum 3%, and 64% of employers are contributing the minimum 3% – leaving a vast gap between projected KiwiSaver funds at retirement and what’s needed for a ‘no frills’ retirement. It is hoped that other preparations are being made - such as paying off a home and investing in other ways. In practice we know that with a very high cost housing fewer will have paid off homes and that will also reduce the scope for non-KiwiSaver savings and investments for many.

The current cost of living is impacting people’s insurance buying behaviour. When it came to life insurance, the report found that expense was the highest reason for not purchasing insurance (63%) and 57% of respondents said they would take out an insurance policy if they had more money. 55% of people who had previously had health insurance have said that the cost of living is so high they can no longer afford it.


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