Chatswood serves the life and health insurance sector in New Zealand with market intelligence, data, and bespoke consulting services. Some of these are provided in conjunction with Quality Product Research Limited - a subsidiary that brings you Quotemonster.

We believe that good decisions are more likely to occur when we have good information about the market environment in which we operate. Intuitive leaps and creative decisions are always required, of course, but the more they are based on a firm foundation of observation, the better they tend to be.

Kelly O Kelly O

nib looks to improve services to Māori

nib is looking to improve services to Māori communities by learning from indigenous health providers in other countries.

nib is looking to improve services to Māori communities by learning from indigenous health providers in other countries. Leadership from nib and Iwi partners involved in the Toi Ora project have recently returned from a study tour to Canada. Those involved met with Canada’s First Nations Health Authority, Pacific Blue Cross, First Nations Tax Commission (FNTC) and Squamish Nation to get insights into how these organisations deliver services to First Nations people in Canada and how these lessons could be applied in New Zealand.

Sarah McBride, nib NZ’s Head of Iwi Initiatives, said learnings included better ways to use existing funding, the importance of using health-related statistics and relevant previous cases to support new projects, and co-creation with local partners.


More daily news:

Overseas Investment Office expect to make decision on the sale of Asteron Life to Resolution Life by July

Potential CoFI change gives FMA power of onsite inspection without warning

Partners Life to launch new Underwriting Workbench

Michael Weston speaks about his plans for Partners Life

nib release their top five health claims for April

The FMA has highlighted the authorised body system as a potential problem area

Financial Advice NZ publish Budget 2024 Summary - Adviser to Client Resource

Entries open for Insurance Business’ 5-Star Insurance Innovators awards

MAS is looking for a Head of Private Wealth

Westpac confirms operational readiness to collaborate with approved third parties on delivering open banking solutions

Budget 2024 includes new health investments

Professor Lester Levy has been appointed as a member and Chair of the Board of Health New Zealand

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Kelly O Kelly O

Quarterly rate review results in rising premiums at nib

nib has reviewed its health insurance premiums. Current members’ premiums are reviewed annually at their policy anniversary, with the increases ranging from 9% to 16%, as per below.

 Premiums for prospective new members will be updated from 1 April 2024, with new rates being automatically updated in nibAPPLY.

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Kelly O Kelly O

Submissions call for rewrite of FMA’s draft guide about outcomes focused regulation

The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has released the submissions relating to it’s draft ‘Fair outcomes for consumers and markets’ guide. Chapman Tripp and Dentons Kensington Swan submissions have been released and both critique the guide.

The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has released the submissions relating to it’s draft ‘Fair outcomes for consumers and markets’ guide. Chapman Tripp and Dentons Kensington Swan submissions have been released and both critique the guide, with both law firms arguing that implementing outcomes-based proposals will impose confusing and expensive compliance duties of market participants – with no legal basis.  

Criticisms include the guide being unclear on how outcomes focused regulation supports regulatory compliance; the draft guide being too vague to be readily applicable; the lack of tying high level outcomes back to actual legal requirements; and some of the draft guide lacks the authority of Parliament and risks being unenforceable or amendable to judicial review.

Suggested improvements include clarifying the scope and targeted market sector of each proposed outcome; providing detailed examples of how businesses can comply; adding more examples of expected compliance behaviour; and identifying when compliance with existing legislative requirement is sufficient to ensure delivery of fair outcomes.


More daily news:

MAS looking for a Senior Life and Disability Underwriter

AIA study finds stress is still one of the biggest issues affecting adviser wellbeing

Kelly Brough takes on new role as head of distribution and product development at Advice Link

Financial mentors and budgeting services around the country see large increase in kiwis seeking financial help

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Kelly O Kelly O

Southern Cross Health Insurance appoints Cath Lomax to Chief People and Strategy Officer

Cath Lomax, Chief People and Strategy Officer, Southern Cross Health Insurance

Southern Cross Health Insurance has appointed Cath Lomax as its Chief People and Strategy Officer. Lomax joins from Fisher Funds, where she was the Chief Client Officer.

Nick Astwick, CEO of Southern Cross Health Insurance said

“As well as being in the business of health, we're also in the business of people – be it serving our members or our people. Cath brings to this role a wealth of experience which will undoubtedly allow us to build on our reputation for being a great employer.”

Lomax was recently awarded the Auckland Emerging Director Award from the Institute of Directors Auckland branch for her work at Surfing NZ.


More daily news:

FMA proposes to run pilot on 'outcomes' style regulation with industry

Financial Advice NZ Masterclass - The psychology of financial planning on 4 March

Southern Cross Health Insurance appoints Cath Lomax to Chief People and Strategy Officer

Finance and Mortgage Advisers Association of New Zealand (FAMNZ) sets up in NZ

Women in Super to merge with the FSC

The Council of Australian Life Insurers (CALI) is supporting a ban on genetic test results in insurance underwriting

Unemployment rate rises to 4.0%

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Kelly O Kelly O

Asteron Life sees uptick in lapse rates

Asteron Life’s executive general manager Grant Willis spoke to Good Returns about increasing lapse rates, levels offerings and changing adviser profiles.

Asteron Life’s executive general manager Grant Willis spoke to Good Returns about increasing lapse rates, levels offerings and changing adviser profiles.

Anecdotally, advisers are starting to see more household budgets under financial pressure. Willis said Asteron Life is seeing more cancellations and alterations to policies to reduce premiums and/or scale the sum insured back, despite having one of the best lapse rates in the industry. Willis highlights the importance of product flexibility during times such as these, with Asteron Life customers being able to pick different levels of cover, level of yearly renewable term and even the availability of inbuilt premium holidays that customers can take under specific pressure.

Willis talks about how he’s seeing a lot of new advisers coming though, younger people and perhaps people in second careers, plus children following their parents into financial advice.


More daily news:

David Haak is leaving Chubb

FMA release the results of its annual Ease of Doing Business survey

Lifetime webinar 'Invest In Your Tomorrow: Enhance Your Financial Wellbeing' Dec 14

Gallagher Insurance is a new sponsor of the 103rd New Zealand Open

Foundation Advice Ltd owes around $8 million

Graeme Lindsay talks about the best health insurance to have

The FMA had an almost $6 million surplus for the 12 months to June 30

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Kelly O Kelly O

AMP settles with Australian financial advisers for A$100 million

AMP has settled a legal dispute with hundreds of Australian financial advisers affected by unilateral changes to buyer-of-last-resort (BOLR) terms.

AMP has settled a legal dispute with hundreds of Australian financial advisers affected by unilateral changes to buyer-of-last-resort (BOLR) terms. After a long-running legal dispute AMP has settled, with no admission of liability, for A$100 million.

In August 2019 AMP made unilateral changes to adviser contracts that meant BOLR multiples were cut by almost 40%, from 4 times recurring revenue to 2.5 times (excluding grandfathered commissions).

In July an Australian Federal Court decision found AMP erred in altering the buyer-of-last-resort terms for two advice businesses operating under its brand. Justice Moshinsky ruled in favour of the two Australian advisory firms who bought suit, awarding Equity Financial Planners A$813,000 and Wealthstone A$115,000 and opening AMP up to 120 or more similar claims. AMP lodged an appeal in October but opted to settle following a mediation process in November.


More daily news:

Jon-Paul Hale questions whether non-smoker rates are non-smoker rates

AIA Group has announced the publication of its inaugural climate transition plan

The Responsible Investment Association of Australasia appoints co-chief executives, Estelle Parker and Dean Hegarty

$100 million programme for specialist mental health services is behind schedule

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Kelly O Kelly O

Fidelity Life release financial results

Fidelity Life has released its annual report and financial results for the year ended 30 June 2023.

Fidelity Life has released its annual report and financial results for the year ended 30 June 2023. Highlights include:

·         Insurance premium revenue of $450.4 million, up 33% from FY22

·         Total comprehensive income (net of tax) of $3.2 million, an improvement from their FY22 loss of $24 million

·         Underlying profit, excluding the impact of government bond rate changes (net of tax), of $19 million

·         Claims paid out in FY23 $209.7 million, up 27% from FY22

·         304,867 customers

·         Market share of 15.7%

Fidelity Life resumed payment of dividends, with Fidelity Life’s shareholders receiving a full-year dividend of $8.013 per share. The dividend is unimputed as the Group continues to utilise brought forward tax losses.

Fidelity Life Chair Brian Blake says

“We expected the benefits of our Westpac Life acquisition to start materialising in FY23, and that’s proven to be the case. Our performance shows the business is in good shape and proving resilient against a weak economy and the high cost of living.

…In response to adviser feedback, we’re introducing a raft of new initiatives spanning the digital, product and service spaces to make it easier for advisers to do business with us, focus on growth, and together take our respective businesses to the next level.”


More daily news:

Quality Product Research are holding an in-depth discussion on medical insurance non-surgical claims on 7 November

Accuro members support proposal to transfer Accuro insurance portfolio and operations to UniMed at first special general meeting

Deloitte Top 200 Business Awards finalists include staff from ANZ, ASB, The Co-operative Bank

ANZ Chief Marketing Officer Astrud Burgess named Effective Marketer of the Year at Effie Awards

Kiwibank received 6 awards, including the Grand Effie, at the 2023 Aotearoa Effie Awards

Ainsley McLaren talks about the investment needs and behaviours of women

CERT NZ create Own Your Online website, to raise understanding of cyber security issues

The unemployment rate rose to 3.9% from 3.6% in the September quarter

Fraud Awareness Week is taking place November 13-18

Cancer patient advocates say health system reforms are taking too long

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Kelly O Kelly O

AIA updates the benefits of its living products

AIA has released a raft of changes updating the benefits that apply to its living products covering critical conditions, progressive care, life cover, and family protection, including changes to selected closed Sovereign, TotalCareMax, AIA Trauma and AIA Life Cover products.

Some of the key changes, which are applicable to new claim events on or after 10 October 2023, include:

·         The minimum coverage age for standalone children’s trauma has been lowered from two years to three months.

·         Extension of the life buyback reinstatement period from 30 to 60 days.

·         Removed the benefit for new business that pays on the diagnosis of medically or occupationally acquired HIV, and introduced a new benefit that pays on the diagnosis of advanced AIDS – regardless of transmission method.

·         Changed the terminal illness definition to clarify that life expectancy is less than 12 months, despite all reasonable medical treatment.

·         Increased bereavement support benefit from $15,000 to $25,000 in cases where there is joint policy ownership.

·         Removed the 5% limit to pay up to $20,000 as an early payment if the life assured dies overseas to return their body to either New Zealand or their home country.


More daily news:

Partners Life has updated its underwriting guide

Southern Cross new naming rights sponsor of Wellington Round the Bays

nib says insurance can help families navigate increasing mental health concerns

MAS appoints Matt Harvey as Chief Distribution and Marketing Officer and Craig Ward as Chief Innovation and Digital Officer

FSC webinar 'Leading Lawyers Australia' 31 October

Jon-Paul Hale believes some providers are asking advisers for too much

ACC fund slips from ‘responsible investment leaders’ to ‘responsible investors’

New AI tool diagnoses brain tumours on the operating table and helps surgeons decide how to operate

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Kelly O Kelly O

Accuro and Unimed have announced a proposal to combine

The boards of Accuro and Unimed have signed a Letter of Intent to transfer the Accuro insurance portfolio to Unimed and to combine the two not-for-profit mutual societies. The proposal is subject to regulatory approval from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and support of Accuro members.

If the merger goes ahead, UniMed would become the country’s third largest medical insurer with over 140,000 member customers.

Accuro’s Chair Marion Guy says

“We believe combining the resources and capabilities of the two societies creates a more sustainable and resilient health insurance offering than Accuro could offer alone.”

Unimed’s Chair Peter Tynan says

“This proposal will provide opportunities to create efficiencies and develop new services and products – something that will be increasingly important given increasing costs and demands for health services.”


More daily news:

Crombie Lockwood changing their name to Gallagher Insurance

MAS wins two Gold awards in the 2023 Brandon Hall Group HCM (Human Capital Management) Excellence Awards

FinTechNZ Executive Council Nominations 2023 close 19 October

Allianz Global Wealth Report finds those with lower level money skills tend to allocate more to cash

Southern Cross 2023 AGM will be held on 6 December

Financial Advice NZ Nelson/Canterbury Regional Meeting 18 October

'Using the FSC Code to support a strong customer-focused culture' webinar 17 October

Tony Vidler writes about the buying journey of clients

mySolutions webinar 'Jeanette Kreft - The Compliance Company' 9am, 11 October

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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Kelly O Kelly O

FMA files court proceedings against MAS over fair dealing provisions breaches

The FMA has filed High Court proceedings against Medical Assurance Society New Zealand Limited (MAS) and its subsidiaries for fair dealing breaches under section 22 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act).

MAS self-reported that it had multiple failures between 2014 and 2022:

Failure to apply the correct inflation adjustments to 6,297 customers

Failure to apply multi-policy discounts affecting 8,864 customers

Underpayment of life and disability claims affecting 104 customers

Failure to apply no claims bonuses correctly, affecting 1,235 customers

MAS’s failures were due to errors and deficiencies in its systems, including data entry errors by MAS employees. MAS has been co-operating with the FMA through its investigation.

The FMA is seeking a declaration that MAS contravened the FMC Act and a pecuniary penalty.

MAS has rolled out an unclaimed monies register in support of their remediation process to correct pricing and payout errors. While most affected clients have been compensated, the register encourages impacted members who haven’t been contacted to get in touch to receive their refund.

Jason McCracken, MAS chief, has apologised to members.

“As a mutual, MAS takes the trust our Members have in us very seriously and we apologise for the impact these errors have had. We remain committed to finding any issues and making them right.”

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nib's top five medical claims by dollar value for April cover spine, heart, and cancer surgeries

Katrina Shanks writes of the importance of businesses' health and wellbeing policies

The Retirement Commission launch De-jargoning Money initiative

Liam Mason says there has not been a significant increase in Section 25 notices in recent years

Crombie Lockwood awarded a Human Resources Director New Zealand Employers of Choice award for 2023

Kelly Sullivan appointed as the new national manager of PSC Connect Life NZ Ltd in May

Bowel Cancer NZ encourage you to take part in the ‘move your butt’ challenge this June

Dementia: symptoms, types, treatments

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