Chatswood serves the life and health insurance sector in New Zealand with market intelligence, data, and bespoke consulting services. Some of these are provided in conjunction with Quality Product Research Limited - a subsidiary that brings you Quotemonster.

We believe that good decisions are more likely to occur when we have good information about the market environment in which we operate. Intuitive leaps and creative decisions are always required, of course, but the more they are based on a firm foundation of observation, the better they tend to be.

Kelly O Kelly O

Legal and regulatory update for the life and health insurance sector

APRA releases prudential practice guide; FMA publishes info for smaller firms on fair conduct programmes and applying for CoFI licence; RBNZ release updated design proposals for their business expectations survey; XRB launch Standards Navigator.

13 Jun 2024 - The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has released its finalised prudential practice guide to help banks, insurers and superannuation trustees strengthen their management of operational risk and improve business continuity planning.

14 Jun 2024 - The Financial Markets Authority has published an information sheet specifically for smaller firms to assist in establishing and maintaining a Fair Conduct Programme (FCP) and applying for a Financial Institution (CoFI) licence.

17 Jun 2024 - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has released Tara-ā-Umanga Business Expectations Survey: Design proposals following consultation and pilot, which outlines lessons learnt and resulting design proposals for their new Business Expectations Survey, BES, Tara-ā-Umanga. Changes include making the survey shorter and quicker for businesses to fill in; questions will focus on inflation expectations, wages, and unemployment; they will survey businesses in the primary industry; and they will not include very small businesses (those with fewer than 6 employees).

18 Jun 2024 - The External Reporting Board has launched the XRB Standards Navigator, which takes static PDF versions of XRB standards and presents them in a more accessible, dynamic and user- friendly format.

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Kelly O Kelly O

Contracts of Insurance Bill

Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly talks about his three focus points; ombudsman welcomes changes; and where to find more information on how the Bill could affect you.

Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly has said that insurance law reforms are “long overdue”, with some laws over 100 years old. Bayly has said his three focus points for the new Contracts of Insurance Bill are to make it easier for consumers to get insurance, for consumers to better understand what they’ve signed up for and for consumers to get paid out more quickly. Bayly has said the government intend to pass the Bill before the end of 2024.

The Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman, Karen Stevens, has said she looks forward to insurance contracts becoming fairer and easier to understand for consumers.

“… Many consumers don’t understand what information they are supposed to tell their insurer, and the consequences if they don’t disclose this information.

Forgetting to tell the insurer something regarded as being material to the risk of providing a consumer with insurance (i.e. whether the insurer would have provided cover or not, and on what terms) can be fatal.

I’m pleased that this law change will require insurers to ask clear and relevant questions, making it easier for consumers to know what information they have to provide.”

Submissions on the Bill are open until 3 June 2024. The Financial Services Council (FSC) is urging members to feedback and has circulated an industry submission process document.

We think that all the questions adviser-focused insurers ask are clear and relevant and that in a full underwriting environment it is clear to customers what they should be disclosing. But this is not the full scope of the changes that the law will bring in. Bell Gully’s comment covers this well:

“Most submitters welcomed the overall approach taken in the exposure draft, which proposed to consolidate, modernise and clarify a number of outdated statutes into one primary statute governing insurance policies generally, as well as the specific relationship between insurers and their customers.  The Bill also proposed to bring about significant changes in the law of insurance in New Zealand – particularly relating to the duty of disclosure owed by insureds, the duty of utmost good faith, the remedies available to a party who has a claim against an insolvent insured, and the application of the unfair contract terms regime to insurance policies. The details of some of these substantive changes were met with resistance, including in our submission, primarily due to concerns that the reforms may create significant uncertainty for both insureds and insurers.”

For more details on the content of the Bill, we suggest that you check out their summary here. Steve Wright also outlines seven potential changes facing advisers and insurers here.

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Kelly O Kelly O

AI and Machine Learning are driving benefits and reducing headcount in the insurance sector

A survey of insurers by Rackspace has found that the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies are driving benefits and enabling the reduction of headcounts.

A survey of insurers by Rackspace has found that the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies are driving benefits and enabling the reduction of headcounts.

The survey found over the past 12 months 62% of insurers had cut staff numbers due to the implementation of AI and ML. They found that the new technology enabled low-level analyst work to be completed by AI and ML. 52% of respondents said they had already realised substantial benefits from AI/ML, with a further 23% seeing modest benefits. 25% of respondents said it was too early to tell.

The benefits insurers listed from implementing AI/ML were

  • 81% risk reduction, increased understanding of business/customers

  • 79% increased sales

  • 77% personalised marketing

  • 75% increased productivity

  • 73% increased revenue streams, operation cost reduction

  • 69% improved customer satisfaction

  • 67% faster time to profitability, reduced cost of new product development, ability to hire/recruit new talent

  • 65% increased innovation

There are still some issues with AI, with 42% only ‘slightly trusting’ AI/ML results compared to 28% ‘strongly trusting’ results.

Talent and skill shortages were seen by 67% as the greatest challenge to further adoption of the technology; however 90% of insurers had grown their AI and ML workforce in the past 12 months.

Although this survey lumps AI and ML together there are some fundamental differences. Machine learning can be disconnected from the large volumes of training data that are used in generative AI such as Chat GPT. Although that may sound like a disadvantage, narrower pools of training data can make results from machine learning applications much more accurate for highly specific tasks. It also means that data does not have to be shared with generative AI engines – its can remain in confidential silos within the business.

ChatGPT recently put forward it’s arguments for how it can positively impact the insurance industry. While there are still plenty of cons to using ChatGPT right now, ranging from inbuilt biases and prejudices to its failure to comprehend nuance such as sarcasm, some insurance executives believe the underlying technology could be used as a starting point to build on and to jumpstart innovations in the sector.

At Quality Product Research Limited we agree that there are some great opportunities for implementation of AI and ML initiatives. With more than 15 million quotes and over 1.25million data points of data in our research databases we are well positioned to employ these tools to greater effect over the coming years.

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Kelly O Kelly O

2023 at Quality Product Research Limited

As always, we’ve had the chance to investigate some topical themes in our quarterly reports, highlights this year being: a discussion on using AI in financial advice, particularly ChatGPT and its challenges, limitations and factual errors; an analysis identifying how many financial advisers are connected to each financial advice provider and another on how many financial advice providers and financial advisers there are; just how much an adviser tech stack can cost; and exploration of causes for lapses in the NZ insurance market.

We haven’t been resting on our laurels here, with loads of product enhancements delivered this year including our shiny new website and branding. Quotemonster have made a series of upgrades including completing our two-factor authentication (2FA) process, adding a Remote Assistance function, improved the Advicemonster Quote Wizard, added a beta Upload Insurance Quote function that will automatically input in your Quotemonster Client and Benefit Details, established the Quotemonster Advisory Board, held a Nationwide Quotemonster roadshow across 15 towns (and online too!) with over 1100 people registering to attend (see some pics below), made legacy research live on Quotemonster and added business insurance to Advicemonster. Phew!

We’ve welcomed Kim Oliver and Aneel Ravji to the QPR team. Kim is our new Research and Customer Service superstar and helps keep the research database up to date and supports advisers with their queries. Aneel is our AdviceTech lead and his role is assisting advisers with their advice process – if you have any questions about what Advice Monster can do for you and your business, contact Aneel today.

We’ve loved exploring wider industry news on the blog, with some favourites this year being AI’s disruptive influence on the global economy; opportunities for advisers and how Australia’s Federal Government is seeking feedback on the use of genetic test results by insurers.

We want to say a huge thank you from the Chatswood and QPR teams. We have thoroughly enjoyed working with you over the past year and look forward to another exciting year in 2024. A reminder that our office will be closed from the 22 December 2023 – 8 January 2024.

We hope you all have a wonderful break, and we look forward to working with you in 2023.

Best wishes, from all the team at Chatswood and Quality Product Research.

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Kelly O Kelly O

Legal and regulatory update for the life and health insurance sector

10 Dec 2023 - The Australian Labor government will create a new regulation-lite category of ‘qualified advisers’ as part of controversial reforms unwrapped last week. Banks, insurers, superannuation funds and others will be able to employ advisers under looser regulatory controls than professional counterparts. Qualified advisers will focus on providing simple financial advice, will be prohibited from charging a fee and from receiving a commission, and they will be required to meet a Government-mandated education standard.

11 Dec 2023 - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has confirmed that New Zealand’s largest banks are now compliant with their Outsourcing Policy (BS11).

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