Chatswood serves the life and health insurance sector in New Zealand with market intelligence, data, and bespoke consulting services. Some of these are provided in conjunction with Quality Product Research Limited - a subsidiary that brings you Quotemonster.
We believe that good decisions are more likely to occur when we have good information about the market environment in which we operate. Intuitive leaps and creative decisions are always required, of course, but the more they are based on a firm foundation of observation, the better they tend to be.
What does a business version of the healthy futures report mean?
Southern Cross’s business edition of the 2024 Healthy Futures Report focuses on employee health and wellbeing.
We took a look at Southern Cross’s business edition of the 2024 Healthy Futures Report, which focuses on employee health and wellbeing. There are clear links between wealth and health, as the old saying has it. Whether one causes the other and in which direction the arrow of causality points is unexplored. We think it’s probably more complicated than this simple pairing of factors, although if someone becomes wealthy, they often become healthier. Likewise, if someone has the misfortune to become chronically ill, they usually get poorer. But these two are probably joined by other factors which may also have some power to affect outcomes – like education while young, health while a child, and current environment.
What employers can do to help is limited – but is appreciated by staff. At Quality Product Research Limited we offer seven of the eleven key suggestions made (soon to be expanded to eight) – we like that we can do that – but people use or do not use them pretty much as they please.
Key takeaways for us from the survey results:
89% of respondents said it was important to them to work for a company that supports the health and wellbeing of their staff.
55% of respondents’ employers were doing well in supporting their employees.
The top ten initiatives employers could invest in were wellbeing leave (36%), lunch or break room (29%), flu vaccinations (26%), healthy food options (25%), activities promoting good mental health (23%), workplace massage (23%), Employee Assistance Programme (22%), health assessments (21%), subsidised membership to off-site facilities (21%) and stress management programmes (20%).
88% of employees think having a good work-life balance is important, with a third considering taking steps to improve their work-life balance.
Making use of flexible working hours (43%) and switching off from work when finished for the day (43%) were the most common means of managing work-life balance. Conversely, having a high work load (60%), financial pressures (40%) and not having flexible working hours (40%) were cited as most commonly as reasons for poor work-life balance.
51% of workplaces offer flexible working arrangements, down from 54% in 2022; 60% of employees make use of flexible working hours most weeks and an additional 26% utilise it sometimes.
Only 45% of kiwis rate themselves as happy with their financial situation; 91% cite cost of living as one of their top concerns and 58% worry about not having enough money to support themselves or their families.
84% of New Zealanders are concerned about not having good, affordable access to healthcare, up 8% from 2022.
Kiwis don’t feel they are getting enough sleep (60%) or exercise (62%).
New Zealanders without health insurance were more likely to be less happy with their health, financial situation, mental wellbeing, fitness levels, weight of themselves and their children, exercised less on average and were more likely to be stressed.
Southern Cross highlight a series of initiatives workplaces could take to improve employee wellbeing, including:
offering education on stress management and financial management;
offering free fruit or healthy food in breakrooms;
encouraging employees to make use of flexible working if it’s offered;
offering health assessments;
educating employees on the importance of flu vaccinations;
offer opportunities for physical exercise, through work place team sports, sports day or subsidies for gyms or exercise equipment;
encouraging employees to take their annual leave;
training leaders to identify those at risk of burn-out;
offering wellbeing leave;
providing employee assistance programmes and educating employees on what it is and hot to use it;
offering subsidised health insurance.
1,463 employees were surveyed for this report in March 2024.
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Committee recommends Contracts of Insurance Bill moves forward
New Zealand’s Finance and Expenditure Committee has recommended that the Contracts of Insurance Bill move forward. After reviewing the bill, the committee proposed several key amendments.
New Zealand’s Finance and Expenditure Committee has recommended that the Contracts of Insurance Bill move forward. After reviewing the bill, the committee proposed several key amendments:
Insurers are allowed reasonable time to gather information when processing claims.
That dishonesty be treated as a lack of reasonable care rather than outright fraud.
That a power to create some regulation of the use of genetic tests in underwriting is included in the draft law.
Government officials anticipate the bill to be passed by the end of this year. Changes insurers will need to prepare for once the bill comes into force include reviewing existing contracts to ensure compliance with new consumer protection measures; preparing for potential regulations on the use of genetic data; and ensuring claims processing procedures meet the new ‘reasonable time’ requirements.
With regard to the power to regulate the use of genetic tests, the report states:
“We agree that this issue is important. Our view is that a cautionary approach to genetic testing is needed to avoid undue genetic discrimination. However, we also grappled with the question of how to address genetic testing in this bill. We considered the implications of different options, including a full legislative ban on “genetic discrimination”.
“Ultimately, we recommend inserting new regulation-making powers, in Part 3, new subpart 4A (clauses 86A, 86B, and 86C), that would enable the Governor-General, on a recommendation of the Minister, to prohibit or regulate the conduct of insurers in relation to genetic testing. Before recommending any regulations, we expect the Minister to conduct a full policy development and consultation process.”
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Southern Cross release their Healthy Futures Report
Southern Cross have released the Healthy Futures Report 2024, which surveyed 2,000 New Zealanders about their health and wellbeing behaviours.
Southern Cross have released the Healthy Futures Report 2024, which surveyed 2,000 New Zealanders about their health and wellbeing behaviours. Some of the key findings include:
The biggest concerns for New Zealanders were the cost of living (91%); violence in society (86%); not having access to good, affordable healthcare (84%); and affordable housing, mental health and not having access to cancer treatment services all at 82%.
Health professionals remain the main source of health information (64%), followed by online articles/websites (52%), but social media is increasing in popularity with young people and Pasifika people (up 6% to 27%).
A majority of people seek treatment immediately (12%) or within a day or two (47%), though 10% usually don’t seek professional advice or treatment.
The main barriers to accessing healthcare include cost (35%) and wait times being too long (34%). There has been a jump in people not being able to access healthcare at the time they want (up 4% to 20%).
When it comes to dental treatment, the main barriers are cost (60%) and not being covered by medical treatment (13%).
New Zealander’s define ‘healthy’ as mental wellbeing (70%), avoiding smoking and tobacco (70%), getting enough sleep (67%), eating a balanced diet (67%) and emotional wellbeing (66%).
Physical health concerns include level of fitness (65%), making sure kids eat healthy foods (65%), long term physical health effects (65%) and family health and wellbeing (65%).
The average kiwi exercises for 30 minutes, three times a week – 61% don’t feel they are getting enough exercise. Being too tired (33%) and not having enough time (32%) continue to be the main barriers to exercising.
While 92% of kiwis consider themselves knowledgeable about what healthy food is, 82% consider healthy eating to be expensive and 74% would like to lose weight.
·The top emotional wellbeing concerns are concentrated around family, with kiwis concerned about whether their children will cope with the pressures of life (60%), not having enough money to support myself/my family (55%) and parents/relatives getting elderly and needing care (51%).
Only 44% of New Zealanders consider themselves as getting enough sleep, with those living with kids or living with a disability being more sleep deprived than others. Reasons given for not getting enough sleep included having too much to think about (49%), going to bed too late (41%) and being anxious or stressed (40%).
While 88% consider work life balance to be important, only 33% consider they currently have a good balance. Factors kiwis consider as important to achieving a good work/life balance include having flexible working hours (43%), switching off from work when finished for the day (43%) and sticking to set work hours (34%). Conversely, factors contributing to a negative work/life balance include workload being too high (60%), financial pressures (46%) and not having flexible working hours (40%).
Actions New Zealanders are taking to look after their emotional health and wellbeing include keeping your brain stimulated (60%), spending time outdoors (58%), nurturing and maintaining relationships (54%) and spending more time with family (52%).
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Simon Papa on what the Commerce Commission’s Banking report could mean for advisers
Simon Papa has written an excellent analysis of what the Commerce Commission’s final report on competition in the personal banking services sector could mean for mortgage advisers on Good Returns.
Simon summarises the recommendations likely to impact mortgage advisers, cautions that some of the recommendations may look different once implemented and acknowledges the Commission’s engagement with the advice sector after they released their March 2024 draft report. Simon posits that the recommendation that advisers make more applications to multiple banks is likely to result in more work for advisers, though this may be offset by banks improving application systems and making offers more comparable (and we’d love to hear what you think will end up happening!). Simon also discusses what a best interests duty could mean for advisers. It's a great read and we suggest you check it out.
We reached out to Simon around what advisers could do in light of these recommendations and he advised,
“Changes to law are required to implement most of the Commission’s recommendations. So advisers will have an opportunity to make submissions on the law changes. They can also try to engage with MPs and officials. Professional bodies will also get involved, so advisers can talk to them about adviser concerns.”
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Fidelity Life extend 3 months free until 31 December 2024
Fidelity Life has extended their 3 months premium free offer until 31 December.
Fidelity Life has extended their 3 months premium free offer until 31 December. All new customers who take out an eligible policy will have their premiums covered for the first 3 months.
The offer is available to eligible new Platinum Plus, Platinum Plus Level Term, Mortgage Protectors and NZHL Life policies that are illustrated between 1-May and 31-December 2024, submitted within 30 days of the illustration being generated and issued within 6 months of the offer period end date.
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AIA release 'Claims Compass' report analysing claims data
AIA have released a new report ‘Claims Compass’ analysing their claims data. Cancer was responsible for AIA’s highest number of claims across all insurance categories last year.
AIA have released a new report ‘Claims Compass’ analysing their claims data. Cancer was responsible for AIA’s highest number of claims across all insurance categories last year, with AIA paying out $133.9m for life insurance claims for cancer and $244.1m for cancer claims across all categories. AIA’s top cancer claims in 2023 were breast cancer (33.4%), melanoma and skin cancers (20.3%), bowel cancer (6.5%), prostate cancer (6%) and lung cancer (4.6%). Cancer is the leading cause of death and serious illness in New Zealand, with 71 people diagnosed with cancer every day in New Zealand.
Angela Busby, AIA NZ Chief Customer Officer, said
“Almost every New Zealander will have some experience with cancer throughout their lifetime – whether that’s personally or through a friend, neighbour or loved one…”
“The prevalence of these cancers highlights the critical importance of regular screening and taking preventative measures to manage your health and encouraging loved ones to do the same.”
“Because while developing cancer might appear to be something that is beyond our control, we know that early detection is the best form of protection. Many cancers can be successfully treated if diagnosed early, with an estimated one in three people recovering in New Zealand.”
AIA accepted 92% of all claims for the year ended 31 December 2023, paying out $734.8m. Of the total paid, $263.5m was paid out in life insurance claims and $143.1m was paid in health claims. The image below shows the reasons for claims across AIA’s life, health, trauma, income protection and total permanent disablement categories.
Graeme Lindsay has died
Graeme Lindsay, a life insurance industry stalwart, has died of cancer. Adviser and pioneer insurance product researcher, his presence will be remembered and missed.
Graeme Lindsay, a life insurance industry stalwart, has lost his battle with cancer. Throughout his career Lindsay worked as an adviser, was involved in an industry association, was a member of Million Dollar Round Table, and founded Strategy Financial Services, a business that provides analysis to life and health insurance agents. He was a competitor of ours and yet we will miss his presence in the industry. Whether he was writing about products or insurers he was always keen to highlight the value of good insurance coverage and identify issues that needed to be addressed. He was a pioneer in our sector.
Last December, Lindsay posted on LinkedIn explaining his situation and advocating for everyone to review their insurance cover and make sure they had the right policies and cover in place.
The funeral for Lindsay is scheduled to be held on Monday.
We will miss his voice in our sector.
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Fidelity Life appoint new Independent Director
Scott Pickering has been appointed as an Independent Director on Fidelity Life's board.
Scott Pickering has been appointed as an Independent Director on Fidelity Life's board. Pickering has a wealth of governance and insurance experience, currently serving on the boards of IAG New Zealand, IAG Australia and Bowls New Zealand, and he was previously on the board of Chubb Life in New Zealand and Australia.
Fidelity Life Interim Chair Lindsay Smartt says,
“Scott’s passion for the insurance industry and his dedication to mentoring make him a perfect fit for Fidelity Life.
His leadership and strategic insight will be invaluable as we begin deploying our new strategic plan, and chart a course for long term success.”
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Fidelity Life announce mortgage cover enhancements
Fidelity Life has announced enhancements to their Monthly mortgage repayment cover and Mortgage Protection Cover.
Fidelity Life has enhanced their Monthly mortgage repayment cover and Mortgage Protection Cover. From 20 June, the insurer is lifting the offsets thresholds for these covers from $5,000 to $7,500, providing greater certainty at claim time for customers with high incomes or large mortgages.
In addition, customers can choose to base their cover on 115% of their rent payments.
Chief Commercial Officer Bronwyn Kirwan says
“These enhancements deliver more support and security for customers, whether that’s through keeping more money in their pockets before offsets start to apply, or offering greater support for renters. By providing more options, we aim to help more New Zealanders get the cover that works for them.”
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Steve Wright identifies areas where FAPs and advisers need to improve
Steve Wright has examined the FMA’s FAP monitoring report and gone through the findings to highlight areas advisers and FAPs need to keep their eyes on.
While the FMA was for the most part happy with the results of their monitoring visits to around 60 FAPs, they did highlight a number of gaps where improvement is needed. In particular, the FMA identified ‘tick-box’ approaches to compliance as a root cause of some of these gaps.
Some areas that were identified as needing improvement were proper oversight of advice; identifying and working to close knowledge gaps; a considered approach to continuing professional development (CPD) with the identified learning achieved and recorded; some situations where the advice given was ‘unsatisfactory’; consideration of clients’ future needs.
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