Chatswood serves the life and health insurance sector in New Zealand with market intelligence, data, and bespoke consulting services. Some of these are provided in conjunction with Quality Product Research Limited - a subsidiary that brings you Quotemonster.

We believe that good decisions are more likely to occur when we have good information about the market environment in which we operate. Intuitive leaps and creative decisions are always required, of course, but the more they are based on a firm foundation of observation, the better they tend to be.

Kelly O Kelly O

Legal and regulatory update for the life and health insurance sector

ASIC approves new banking code of practice; COFR release updated regulatory initiatives calendar; RBNZ release Statement of Intent and Statement of Performance Expectations; ASIC requests advisers check details on the Financial Advisers Register.

27 Jun 2024 - ASIC has approved a new version of the Australian Banking Association’s (ABA) Banking Code of Practice, which includes enhancements to key protections. The new Code will commence on 28 February 2025.

27 Jun 2024 - The Council of Financial Regulators released an updated Regulatory Initiatives Calendar for the financial sector for Q1 2024.

27 Jun 2024 - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has released its Statement of Intent and Statement of Performance Expectations outlining what it intends to do to enable economic wellbeing and prosperity for all New Zealanders and how it will measure its performance.

1 Jul 2024 - ASIC is calling on AFS licensees to assess the accuracy of records about their financial advisers on the Financial Advisers Register after a spot check identified errors and inconsistencies in some of the information provided.

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Kelly O Kelly O

Legal and regulatory update for the life and health insurance sector

MBIE Consultation on changes in regulation of the financial services sector, APRA release on private health insurance, plus ASIC guidance.

22 May 2024 - The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is seeking feedback on options for streamlining how banks and other financial service providers are regulated by the government.
MBIE is consulting on:
• possible changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act.
• changes to the systems and controls financial institutions need to have in place to support how they provide services to consumers, and how the Financial Markets Authority regulates the market.
• opportunities to improve the accessibility and effectiveness of the financial dispute resolution system.

22 May 2024 - The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has released its quarterly private health insurance publication for the March 2024 quarter.

22 May 2024 - ASIC has released guidance to financial advisers and Australian financial services licensees about the experienced provider pathway following changes to the law made by the Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Measures No. 3) Act 2023.

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Kelly O Kelly O

Legal and regulatory update for the life and health insurance sector

The FSC publish Life Insurance and KiwiSaver quarterly snapshots; a guidance note for duty holders that are AML/CFT reporting entities; ASIC publish Information Sheet 282 on unsolicited contact leading to financial advice; and a new RBNZ consultation.

13 May 2024 - The FSC has published the March 2024 Life Insurance quarterly snapshot.

13 May 2024 - The FSC has published the March 2024 KiwiSaver quarterly snapshot.

13 May 2024 - The three AML/CFT Act supervisors – FMA, DIA and RBNZ – along with their partner agencies – MFAT and NZ Police – have provided a Guidance Note for duty holders that are AML/CFT reporting entities. The Guidance Note specifically relates to notifying a customer of an asset freeze or blocked transaction under the Russia Sanctions Act.

15 May 2024 - ASIC has published Information Sheet 282 Unsolicited contact leading to financial advice (INFO 282), which outlines how financial services laws apply to unlicenced entities referring consumers to a third party for the provision of financial advice.

16 May 2024 - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is consulting on the first set of standards under the Deposit Takers Act 2023.

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Kelly O Kelly O

Legal and regulatory update for the life and health insurance sector

15 Apr 2024 - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand release estimates of New Zealand’s Nominal Neutral Interest Rate.

15 Apr 2024 - The Australian Securities and Investments Commission confirmed a number of changes to its senior executive leadership team. ASIC CEO Warren Day is leaving to join the CDPP on secondment as the Director’s Executive Officer, effective 1 June 2024. Executive Director of Regulation and Supervision Greg Yanco will be appointed as ASIC’s Interim CEO effective 1 June 2024. Executive Director of Enforcement and Compliance Tim Mullaly has also advised that he will be retiring from ASIC at the end of July 2024.

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Kelly O Kelly O

Legal and regulatory update for the life and health insurance sector

14 Mar 2024 - The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) have published further information to help banks, insurers and superannuation trustees prepare for the commencement of the Financial Accountability Regime (FAR).

The FAR, which takes effect for banks from 15 March 2024 and one year later for the insurance and superannuation industries, imposes a strengthened responsibility and accountability framework to improve the risk governance cultures of APRA-regulated entities, their directors and most senior executives.

The information package includes the following guidance materials relevant to all industries:
an information paper to assist entities and their accountable persons in understanding and complying with their obligations under the FAR;
an updated accountability statement guide and template to help entities subject to the FAR enhanced notification obligations to prepare accountability statements; and
reporting form instructions to assist entities in reporting FAR breaches to APRA and ASIC.

15 Mar 2024 - Hon Andrew Bayly's speech at Insurance Council of NZ is released.

15 Mar 2024 - Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Hon Andrew Bayly February 2023 diary released  with the following potential financial services sector related meeting noted:
• 1 Feb 2024 – MEET: Commerce Commission (MBIE and ComCom Officials)
• 9 Feb 2024 – MEET: Commerce Commission (Commerce Commission)
• 12 Feb 2024 – CALL: FMA Chair (Mark Todd)
• 14 Feb 2024 –MEET: Chartered Accountants ANZ (Amir Ghandar)
• 20 Feb 2024 – MEET: Takeovers Panel (Takeovers Panel Members)
• 21 Feb 2024 -MEET: Insurance Council CE (Tim Grafton)
• 21 Feb 2024 – MEET: Commerce Commission (Commerce Commission
• 23 Feb 2024 – MEET: NZ Banking Assoc (Roger Beaumont)
• 28 Feb 2024 –MEET: Commerce Commission (John Small and MBIE officials)
• 28 Feb 2024 – MEET: Financial Ombudsmen (Susan Taylor)

18 Mar 2024 - RBNZ publishes assessment of Capital Review implementation which assesses the first 2 years of Capital Review implementation, from 2021 to 2023, and examines progress with phasing-in the Reserve Bank’s new higher capital requirements.

20 Mar 2024 - A new research paper by the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER), commissioned by the RBNZ, outlines how migration can add to or reduce inflationary pressures depending on the size and direction of flows and the characteristics of migrants.

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Kelly O Kelly O

Legal and regulatory update for the life and health insurance sector

5 Mar 2024 - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has published a Bulletin article discussing the use of credit risk weights for climate-related purposes.

5 Mar 2024 - The FMA publish Samantha Barrass' speech from the Financial Advice New Zealand Thrive Conference.

5 Mar 2024 - The Business Payment Practices Act Repeal Bill was read a first time and read a second time under urgency.

6 Mar 2024 - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand are part-way through a review of access eligibility criteria to use the Exchange Settlement Account System (ESAS). They have updated the consultation page of their website and published the submissions they received.

7 Mar 2024 - The Financial Markets Authority has filed civil proceedings against Tower Limited (Tower) for failing to apply multi policy discounts to eligible customers’ premiums, resulting in approximately $9.5 million in overcharges.

7 Mar 2024 - The Privacy Commissioner has called for greater penalties for data breaches.

8 Mar 2024 - The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) have released final rules and further guidance to support the financial services industry in implementing the Financial Accountability Regime (FAR).
The FAR, which replaces the Banking Executive Accountability Regime (BEAR), imposes a stronger responsibility and accountability framework for APRA-regulated entities in the banking, insurance and superannuation industries and their directors as well as their most senior executives. In doing so, the FAR aims to improve the risk and governance cultures of those financial institutions.
This release includes:

  • the Regulator rules, which prescribe information for inclusion in the FAR register of accountable persons;

  • the Transitional rules, which prescribe information to be provided by authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs) in relation to their existing accountable persons under the BEAR at the transition point to the FAR;

  • descriptions of ADI key functions to assist banking entities in the allocation of key functions; and

  • reporting form instructions to assist banking entities in providing the required information to APRA and ASIC.

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Kelly O Kelly O

Legal and regulatory update for the life and health insurance sector

1 Mar 2024 - Commerce Minister Andrew Bayly has told banks that by September they need to come up with a voluntary reimbursement scheme for customers who have been scammed.

4 Mar 2024 - Nearly 3,500 investment scam websites have been knocked out by ASIC's scam website takedown capability since it was launched in July 2023, as ASIC sharpens its efforts to protect Australians from digitally enabled misconduct.

4 Mar 2024 - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has published consultation feedback and decisions on collecting data to support cyber resilience. They will proceed with implementing formal material cyber incident reporting requirements, periodic reporting of all cyber incidents and a survey on cyber resilience of regulated entities.

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Kelly O Kelly O

Legal and regulatory update for the life and health insurance sector

5 Feb 2024 - The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) and Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) have jointly released a letter to all authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs) and their authorised non-operating holding companies (NOHCs) on the Financial Accountability Regime (FAR).

5 Feb 2024 - Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Hon Andrew Bayly November/December 2023 diary released with the following potential financial services sector related meeting noted:

  • 1 Dec 2023 – MEET: CCCFA Stakeholders Meeting

  • 1 Dec 2023 – MEET: CoFI Stakeholders meeting

  • 1 Dec 2023 – MEET: Commerce Stakeholders Meeting

  • 11 Dec 2023 – MEET: Financial Markets Authority (FMA Staff)

  • 11 Dec 2023 – MEET: MinterEllison lawyers re CCCFA

  • 14 Dec 2023 – MEET: Chair of Banking Ombudsman Scheme (Miriam Dean)

  • 20 Dec 2023 – MEET: Financial Services Federation (Lyn McMorran and Katharine Mcgie)

6 Feb 2024 - The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has published new entries to frequently asked questions on the Australian Accounting Standards Board 17 (AASB17) collections.

12 Feb 2024 - The Commerce Commission has published a statement of preliminary issues relating to an application from Payments NZ Limited (Payments NZ) seeking authorisation to work with API providers and third parties to develop arrangements that, according to Payments NZ, will facilitate a more well-utilised, secure and innovative open banking framework.

12 Feb 2024 - Financial Services Council released its Life Insurance Industry Spotlight statistcs for the September 2023 quarter

14 Feb 2024 - The Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) (Improving Mental Health Outcomes) Amendment Bill was read a first time and referred to the Health Committee.

15 Feb 2024 - Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Hon Andrew Bayly November/December 2023 diary released  with the following potential financial services sector related meeting noted:

  • 16 Jan 2024 – ZOOM: Financial Markets Authority (Samantha Barrass & Edwin Metson)

  • 23 Jan 2024 – MEET: Financial Advice NZ (Tony Dench & Heather Roy)

  • 23 Jan 2024 – MEET: Fin Cap (Ruth Smithers)

  • 23 Jan 2024 –MEET: CCCFA Round Table (MBIE Officials, Invited guests)

  • 25 Jan 2024 – MEET: CEO Insurance Council (Tim Grafton)

  • 26 Jan 2024 -MEET: Financial Markets Authority Board (FMA Board & Samantha Barrass)

  • 30 Jan 2024 – MEET: Consumer NZ (Jon Duffy, Gemma Rasmussen, Aneleise Gawn)

  • 30 Jan 2024 – MEET: Commerce and Consumer Affairs Officials (MBIE Officials)

  • 31 Jan 2024 –SPEAK: Financial Services Council (Invited Guests)

  • 31 Jan 2024 – MEET: Banking Ombudsman (Nicola Sladden)

  • 31 Jan 2024 – MEET: Commerce Commission (MBIE & ComCom Officials)

  • 31 Jan 2024 –MEET: Chair of Commerce Commission (John Small & Vanessa Horne)

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Kelly O Kelly O

Links between financial and mental wellbeing

Beyond Blue have produced a guide for those who work in the finance and mental health sectors to inform them of the relationship between money and mental health.

Beyond Blue have produced a guide for those who work in the finance and mental health sectors to inform them of the relationship between money and mental health. The guide was produced as the ‘Money and Mental Health: Social Research Report’ – a collaboration between Beyond Blue and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) – found people experiencing financial challenges are at least twice as likely to encounter mental health issues than those who aren’t. While the guide has information on what services are available in Australia, we’ve pulled out some insights that are likely to correspond to the New Zealand market.

In 2023, 37% of people living in Australia reported that cost of living pressure was the issue having the greatest negative impact on their mental health. The productivity commission found that poor mental health is currently costing Australia up to A$70 billion a year. Small businesses accounted for over 97% of the 2.6 million Australian businesses in 2021-22 (similarly, 97% of all NZ businesses have fewer than 20 employees). In Australia, 22% of small business owners were diagnosed with a mental health condition.

One of the key takeouts is that financial challenges can cause a decline in mental health, and mental health challenges can cause a decline in financial wellbeing. The guide illustrates how people struggling can get into downward spirals that can progress faster than those experiencing them anticipate, and it can be hard to stop or reverse them.

While anyone can be affected by money and mental health issues, there are several population groups who experience disproportionate risk, including young people, first nations people, women, culturally diverse communities and small business owners. Those who fall into multiple groups are even more susceptible to financial and mental health challenges. The guide covers some of the key reasons why these population groups are at higher risk.

They give examples of ‘turning points’ – interventions or experiences that have led to improvements in people’s financial wellbeing and/or mental health. They showcase a major Australian bank that refocused their collections department on providing solutions that respond to root causes of mental and financial hardship and the turnaround was dramatic. Within 90 days of starting the program, 97% of customers were back on track with financial commitments, employee engagement soared by more than 25% points, and they had an AUD$70 million reduction in costs associated with loan defaults and operational efficiencies.

Beyond Blue have developed a continuum that can help you evaluate a person’s financial and mental wellbeing and suggestions on what you can do support them to move towards a more mentally and financially healthy future. If you or someone you know needs mental health support or is experiencing financial challenges, there are a range of organisations and resources available to help in New Zealand, you can find out more here and here.

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Kelly O Kelly O

Legal and regulatory update for the life and health insurance sector

13 Dec 2023 - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand acknowledges the amended Remit for the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) issued by the Minister of Finance. The MPC Remit sets the operational objectives for monetary policy. The amended Remit retains an inflation target of 1% to 3% over the medium-term, with a focus on the 2% mid-point, and removes the objective to support maximum sustainable employment.

14 Dec 2023 - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has issued a formal warning to Citibank N.A. New Zealand Branch (Citibank NZ) relating to the wire transfer identity requirements under the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Act 2009.

14 Dec 2023 - FMA offices are closed from midday, Friday 22 December, and will reopen 8.30am, Monday 8 January 2024

14 Dec 2023 - The FMA has censured Go Financial Solutions Limited for failing to comply with several obligations under its financial advice provider (FAP) licence.  Go Financial Solutions is a Christchurch-based FAP that provides advice on health, life and business insurance and mortgage lending. During a monitoring review earlier this year, the FMA found that Go Financial Solutions:

  • Had inadequate record keeping in relation to advice given to its clients

  • Failed to gather sufficient information about a client’s circumstances and was unable to demonstrate that recommendations made to clients were suitable 

  • Failed to ensure its clients understood the financial advice they received

  • Failed to exercise care, diligence and skill when providing financial advice to its clients.

14 Dec 2023 - The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has released the bi-annual life insurance institution-level statistics publication.

14 Dec 2023 - APRA and ASIC have released an update to life insurers and friendly societies (life companies) on premium increases in the life insurance industry.

15 Dec 2023 - Michele Embling, Chair of the External Reporting Board (XRB), has announced that the Climate-related Disclosures standards have now been published.

15 Dec 2023 - ASIC today published its annual dashboard of regulatory costs for 2022-23 by activity for each sector and subsector under the industry funding model (IFM).

15 Dec 2023 - The Council of Financial Regulators has released an updated Regulatory Initiatives Calendar for the financial sector for Q4 2023.

19 Dec 2023 - The Government is introducing and progressing under urgency a Bill to repeal the Taxation Principles Reporting Act 2023

19 Dec 2023 - Health Minister Dr Shane Reti is appointing a Crown observer to Health New Zealand – Te Whatu Ora

19 Dec 2023 - The Climate Governance Initiative summarises the key pieces of information relevant to board directors from the UAE Consensus that was agreed in Dubai at the COP28 climate conference, to help directors understand the implications on business strategy and investment decisions.

19 Dec 2023 - The Taxation Principles Reporting Act Repeal Bill had its First Reading

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