Annual diversity statement and gender pay gap reporting

As part of a commitment to fair treatment which we make to employees, customers, and clients, we conduct period assessment of where we stand from a diversity and gender pay gap standpoint.

From a diversity point of view we only publish high-level statements about the diverse nature of our team, in order to protect individual privacy. Of 14 staff we have five men and nine women. Any more specific breakdown as being a very small business we may end up disclosing personal information. We do, however, come from a wide-range of backgrounds - nine different countries of origin, as is fairly common in Auckland - we have an equally wide-range of cultural backgrounds. We aim to be a tolerant and inclusive organisation which allows us to draw strength from a wide range of skills, experiences, and perspectives. Our team includes people with deep technical skills and also those with great industry experience.

From a gender pay gap point of view, this report is as at the end of calendar year 2023, and covers all permanent staff currently present (i.e. excludes those on maternity leave and unpaid leave). We currently have a gender pay gap of 15% - meaning that the average of hourly rates including benefits for roles held by men exceeds the same average for roles held by women by 15%. It has been at parity and has also been the other way around. It bumps around a fair bit because, at our level of staffing, if non-executive roles shift from male to female it has had a big impact. On our governance board, and in our executive positions there is no gender pay gap.  There are an equal number of male and female members of our advisory board and governance board.


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