Legal and regulatory update for the life and health insurance sector

1 Jun 2023 - Following consultation on draft regulations, the Ministry of Justice have decided six of the proposed changes need to be in primary legislation.

1 Jun 2023 - The FMA has filed High Court proceedings against Medical Assurance Society New Zealand Limited (MAS) and its subsidiaries for fair dealing breaches under section 22 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act). The FMA claims that between 2014 and 2022, MAS failed to apply the correct inflation adjustments on its customer policies, failed to apply multi-policy discounts and no claims bonuses, and underpaid life and disability claims to eligible clients.

1 Jun 2023 - The Accident Compensation (Access Reporting and Other Matters) Amendment Bill, was read a third time. This means people will now be able to access the minimum rate of compensation earlier – from the second week of injury instead of having to wait until the sixth week.


PWC release Family Business Survey 2023


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